選択体系機能言語学関連情報 Information on Systemic Functional Linguistics

はじめに Introduction

私が勉強している選択体系機能言語学に関連した情報、あるいは資料を紹介、あるいは公開するページです。個人的にメモ書きを残すつもりで始めたページですので、個人的な色彩 がつよいものになると思いますが、なにかお役にたてれば幸いです。

This part contains some pieces of information on Systemic Functional Linguistics, which I have been struggling with. The information are realized through the following sections such as “References,” “Links,” “Notes” and “Research Materials.” This section is originally designed as my own personal note for research activities, but it would be my great pleasure if it might be useful for those who are interesed in this realm of langauage science. This page is mainly written in Japanese.